Grantham University Algebra Worksheet

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Grantham University


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Unit 6 Problems Application problems Involving System of Equations Set up a linear system and solve for the following problems: 1. The sum of two integers is 54 and their difference is 10. Find the integers. 2. The sum of two integers is 74. The larger is 26 more than twice the smaller. Find the two integers. 3. A $7,000 principal is invested in two accounts, one earning 3% interest and another earning 7% interest. If the total interest for the year is $262, then how much is invested in each account? 4. A cash register contains $10 bills and $20 bills with a total value of $340. If there are 23 bills total, then how many of each does the register contain? 5. Candy bars are sold in a local store for 60 cents each. The factory has $1000 in fixed costs plus 10 cents of additional expense for each candy bar made. Assuming all candy bars manufactured can be sold, find the break-even point.
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Explanation & Answer


Unit 6 Problems
Application problems Involving System of Equations
Set up a linear system and solve for the following problems:
1. The sum of two integers is 54 and their difference is 10. Find the integers.
x + y = 54 ------ eq.1
x - y = 10 ------ eq.2
Add them 2x = 64
x = 32
Plug in x = 32 to either eq. 1 or 2
y = 22

2. The sum of two integers is 74. The larger is 26 more than twice the smaller. Fin...

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