COM 325 Colorado State University Marginalized Minorities In The World Essay

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COM 325

Colorado State University Global Campus



Choose ONE marginalized media minority from the following list:

  • Women
  • African Americans/Blacks
  • Asians
  • Latinos
  • Muslims/Arabs/Arab- or Muslim-Americans
  • Native Americans
  • The elderly
  • LGBTQ persons
  • Obese people
  • Disabled people

Analyze your chosen marginalized media minority as portrayed in any one of the following entertainment media (must be released between 2010 and 2017):

  • Television/online streaming programming
  • Film
  • Video games

State and develop a clear thesis about the media minority portrayals you see and address these questions:

  • How is the marginalized group portrayed?
  • Why do you think your group is portrayed in this way?
  • What social pressures and production forces shape those portrayals?

Use original research and specific media examples to support your argument, and explain historic and current trends in these minority portrayals.

Incorporate a media theory to explain what effect you think this portrayal has on audiences, and how members of the group are treated in society as a result. Use the CSU-Global Library to conduct scholarly research; find specific media examples to support your argument; and explain historic and current trends in these minority portrayals.

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: OUTLINE



1. Abstract
a. In the present era, the LGBTQ people and concerns appear on the TV more than in the
past few years. These people are portrayed as vulnerable and socially segregated people
in society.
b. This paper analyzes how the LGBTQ persons are portrayed in the TV shows and online
streaming, why they are portrayed in that way, what forces shape these portrayals, and
historical and current trends in these minority portrayals.

Moreover, the paper will also entail a media theory to explain how these portrays affect
the audience and how members are treated in the society as well.

2. Introduction
a. The LGBTQ people are a group that gets a lot of negativity, stereotyping, social stigma,
and discrimination, but with plenty of support from the entertainment media, the group
can finally gain support and acceptance from the society.
3. The history of LQBTQ
a. The history of homosexuality can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome during the
time of Plato. Back then, homosexuality was considered a means of population control.
Plato supported its benefits in his earlier work but criticized it in his later work.
4. How are the LGBTQ community portrayed on the TV?
a. Historically, the LGBTQ community portrayal has been negative. Media has reflected
how intolerant the community has been towards this group.
b. Since 1990 up to date, the number of people that fall in this group has increased
immensely, and with this increase, issues and concerns have also increased. TV portrays
that this group is vulnerable to negative perception from the society.




5. Discrimination and bullying

TV shows have portrayed this community as vulnerable to discrimination in society. The
LGBTQ community often lack job opportunities in society.

6. Lack of recognition
a. TV shows have also shown that LGBTQ lack recognition from the society. The LGBT
rights have been advocated in shows like Wendy and Ellen show. Regardless, these
shows have portrayed that the LGBTQ community still lacks recognition from society.
7. Rejection by society and families
a. Many TV series have highlight the relationship between families and their gay children.
Some parents still have a negative perception about homosexuality and this forces the
children to shy off from coming out due to the fear of rejection and lack of support from
the families.
8. Is it ethical?
a. The question, “Is LGBTQ practices ethical?” has been frequently asked in the TV and
online streaming.
b. People have tried to reason out on the ethnicity on this issue in a Christian way.
According to Christians program Focus on Family, LGBT is not in any way ethical.
9. Why I think the group is portrayed this way
a. The LGBTQ persons are portrayed as a minority group because they simply do not have
support from the entire community and the government.
10. What social pressures and production forces shape those portrayals?



a. The social pressures that have shaped these portrays are the increase in the LGBTQ
number. The numbers of people who have come out as gay, bisexuals and transgender
have increased by far compared to the number during the 1900s
11. Cultivation theory
a. Effect of TV media on LGBTQ group can be linked with cultivation theory. Cultivation
theory implies that the media does affect people's perception of reality. It states that
people who watch TV in most cases are likely to share the same perception as that are
portrayed in the programs.
12. Conclusion
a. The LGBTQ groups have been highly portrayed as a minority group in the TV and online
programming. It is still vulnerable to discrimination and social stigma.
b. The entertainment media has tried to portray this group as normal to fight the
stereotyping that cause discrimination and segregation to them.


Marginalized Groups: LGBTQ Persons

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