Rasmussen College Classical Physics Paper

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Rasmussen College


Competency: Explore the physical principles of classical physics.

Instructions: In a two-page paper, identify the classical physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principals connect to work done by Galileo or Newton. Finally, consider the different fields in which Galileo and Newton did research, and give an example of one of these fields in use in your life. For instance, Newton developed the field of optics. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you are using Newton's physical optics theories every day. Aside from glasses or contacts, how do the theories of Newton or Galileo affect you in your daily life?

Scenario: Mandy took a trip to Rome, Italy. She gazed out over the open ocean 20,000 feet below as her airplane began its descent to her final destination. She could watch the Sun setting in the west. Over the Eastern horizon peeked a full moon, just rising, displaying its cratered face. As the plane neared the ground, Mandy could not help but think that she was in a giant metal object hurtling through the sky. Without the specific shape of its wings, the plane would fall to the ground no differently than a large metal projectile.

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A 4 Mastery Student listed physics principals including identification of a strong majority of elements, and includes excellent descriptive details. Student provided personal experience; descriptions of scenarios are clear, analysis of provided in detail.
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Classical Physics



Classical physics is the collection of different theories in physics that came before the modern and
other widely used approaches. Classical physics is used to represent current theories that resulted
in a massive paradigm shift following their inception; in most cases, the arguments are usually
based on older methods in the past. Context is vital in the analysis of various concepts used in the
study of different ideas.
In most cases the complexity of theories applied in modern times depends on their necessity
in addressing specific situations. Classical models are used to represent various ideas in physics
that came into existenc...

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