No Civil Wrongs Discussion Questions

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Business Finance

Question Description

I need an explanation for this Business Law question to help me study.

  • Why do you think a society would address liability for civil wrongs separately from criminal wrongs?  Should a wrongdoer be potentially liable both for civil wrongs as well as for criminal wrongs related to the same wrongdoing?
  • Sometimes people excuse the damage they cause by saying this was a mistake or that they did not mean to cause the damage. Is this a valid excuse to avoid liability for damage caused?  Explain your answer.
  • In common law countries, strict liability was originally imposed for abnormally dangerous activities. What was the rationale for extending strict liability to everyday products sold in commerce? Do you agree with this extension of strict liability? Explain your answer.

Explanation & Answer:
250 words
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Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you need any edits or have any questions. Attached is an outline to guide you through the answer. Thank you for choosing to work with me. Hope I can help you with more questions in the future. Goodbye for now! 👋

Running head: CIVIL WRONGS


Civil Wrongs



Question one
The society should address liability for tort distinctly from criminal wrongs. This is
because criminal offenses generate substantial costs for society at the community, individual, and
national level. For example, abuse has no harm to society and should be handled as a civil case.
On the other hand, illegal drug possession does not hurt any person and it should be handled as a
criminal case. Moreover, a wrongdoer should be liable for both tort and civil w...

ZbavpnuJevgvat (7243)

Goes above and beyond expectations!
