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Child Abuse

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Running Head: Child Abuse 1
Child Abuse
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Child Abuse
Child abuse
A threat to the wellbeing of the children.
Child abuse refers to diverse forms of mistreatment which face children. The violence
occurs in different forms, a situation that further threatens the happiness and well-being of the
children. The act took place when individuals entrusted to take good care of the children fails to
do so. For example, parents have a role of providing food to the children, and when they fail to
do so, that constitutes abuse. Another way in which the act may occur is when the parents or
other caregivers perform actions that threaten the wellbeing of the children. Such actions include
beating the children or subjecting them to emotional torture. Child abuse leaves the children with
problems that affect their childhood and adult life. It is thus the responsibility of each person to
ensure that cases of child abuse are dealt with to help them enjoy a comfortable life. According
to Bidwell (2014), child abuse is an evil that negatively affects the growth and improvement of
the children. Irrespective of how we view it, child abuse have adverse effects on the children and
the society as a whole and hence should get eliminated.
Child abuse remains a key concern among the population in the United States and the
world as a whole. Despite the fact that various child monitoring agencies have recorded a
decrease in this events, the real picture is that the abuse is on the rise. Most of the agencies rely
on the information collected on the reported cases of child abuse. Few parents say the cases, and
hence the information obtained by this agencies is mostly inaccurate. There has been a great
concern about the humongous number of unreported cases involving to child abuse. Most of the

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Running Head: Child Abuse 1 Child Abuse Student’s Name Course Title Instructor’s Name Date 2 Child Abuse Introduction Child abuse A threat to the wellbeing of the children. Child abuse refers to diverse forms of mistreatment which face children. The violence occurs in different forms, a situation that further threatens the happiness and well-being of the children. The act took place when individuals entrusted to take good care of the children fails to do so. For example, parents have a role of providing food to the children, and when they fail to do so, that constitutes abuse. Another way in which the act may occur is when the parents or other caregivers perform actions that threaten the wellbeing of the children. Such actions include beating the children or subjecting them to emotional torture. Child abuse leaves the children with problems that affect their childhood and adult life. It is thus the responsibility of each person to ensure that cases of child abuse are dealt with to help them enjoy a comfortable life. According to Bidwell (2014), child abuse is an evil that negatively affects the growth and improvement of the children. Irrespective of how we view it, child abuse have adverse effects on the children and the society as a whole and hence should get eliminated. Discussion Child abuse remains a key concern among the population in the United States and the world as a whole. Despite the fact that various child monitoring agencies have recorded a decrease in t ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
