The Woman in the Window
A. J. Finn
Contributed by Eleanor Sherer
Chapter 83

Anna feels that she has made a remarkable improvement. For the first time in a long time, she makes herself a sandwich. She also gets rid of her nightgown and wears a sweater and jeans. Anna also decides against watching any of her neighbors.

Conversely, the thought of suicide still crosses her mind especially when it is mentioned in one of the films she watches. Also, in one of the movies, a female character dies and is replaced by a “counterfeit” (imposter). This notion leaves the audience wondering if Anna’s accusation could have been stimulated by this particular movie. When it ends, she pours herself more wine and plays chess. As she plays, she mistakenly moves the wrong piece. This portrays an analogy that makes Anna reconsider her theory of Jane’s murder incident.  

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