Fear - Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Contributed by Larisa Brooke
Chapter 28

Tillerson is thinking about resigning. Priebus calls him and invites him to the office. There, Tillerson expresses his hostility towards Trump considering how the President talks to and treats Generals. Priebus tells Tillerson that he cannot just quit and asks him to avoid using offensive or insulting approaches when talking to the President (Woodward 195). Later, Priebus talks to Trump about the issue and to his surprise, the president listens.

At the end of each day, Porter ensures that he hands the President a briefing book with background papers, policy memos and his schedule for the next day (Woodward 197). Despite Porter’s efforts, Trump never seems to care about the briefings since each morning he comes and asks about the day’s schedule. Porter thinks that the President likes doing things in a more ‘spur of the moment’ way (Woodward 197). The author notes that Trump likes crowdsourcing information by asking different people, including security guards, their thoughts on different issues. Moreover, Trump considers the President of China to be his friend. However, McMaster thinks that Xi is only using Trump since China desires to become the top nation in the world (Woodward 198). Nonetheless, Trump strongly believes that he has strong chemistry with Xi considering that even China voted for sanctions on North Korea.

A rumor from Anthony Scaramucci suggests that Priebus will have to resign. Later, Trump is complaining to Priebus for not ensuring the end of Obamacare, with the push failing (Woodward 200). Priebus has already submitted a resignation letter, but Trump has not signed off on it. They are on the plane, travelling to Long Island where the president has to give a speech. Trump talks to Priebus asking him about John Kelly and Priebus says that Kelly would be great. Despite saying that he has not offered Kelly the job, Trump goes on and tweets that he has appointed Kelly as the White House Chief of Staff (Woodward 200). Months after leaving the White House, Priebus gives his opinion saying that Trump surrounds himself with people who do not know politics, people he brands as predators.


The common theme in this chapter is resignation. Initially, Tillerson wants to resign since he is tired of working for Trump. Tillerson sees Trump as an arrogant individual who is ignorant about when it comes to accepting the counsel of his advisers. Apart from that, the resident is a person who does not plan things out in advances. On the contrary, Trump prefers to live spontaneously, in the moment and this explains his behavior of failing to go through Porter’s daily briefings. This behavior may closely attribute to his past life as both a real estate mogul and a TV celebrity. His casualness defines his personality and is a tool he uses to get close to people. He also seeks opinions from people, irrespective of their experience, since he believes in crowdsourcing as a powerful tool of collecting data. He also knows that people discuss things and seeking their opinions may help deliver precisely what they want. This is a good leadership quality although it may be misguided.

Besides, Priebus’ case seems complicated. Considering the loyalty and support Priebus had offered to Trump since the beginning, it is cruel that the President announces hiring Kelly via Twitter. Trump’s actions are humiliating, and Priebus deserves better than that. Therefore, the views given by Priebus depict the truth about the West Wing and the White House.

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