Girl Wash Your Face
Rachel Hollis
Contributed by Micheal Celestin
Chapter 13

This chapter begins with Hollis expressing her obsession with Matt Damon, a celebrity whom she had never met. As a matter of fact, she notes that there were periods in her life where her greatest plan was to “Find Matt Damon somewhere in LA, and lock it in” (Hollis, 2018). Luckily, she was able to bump into Matt while she was working at a party for the Miramax, however, she did not get a date with him, or a marriage proposal. This was not the only dream that she had, and she was as equally obsessed with ensuring that all her dreams came true. For instance, when she was obsessed with owning a Louis Vuitton purse, she worked extra hard to raise the amount needed. Nonetheless, she came to reconcile with the fact that some of the imaginations she had were only part of her childish daydreams. This, however, hardly directed her from pursuing her imaginations.


Hollis’s success can primarily be attributed to her ability to imagine her dreams in intricate details. In addition to this, patience plays a big role as she picks on a specific dream, and works for it for years without giving up. Notably, many people can lose motivation to hold on to a dream for long. Thus, she provides a couple of tips which helps one to stay motivated such as being surrounded by people who are inspiring as well as listening to motivational podcasts. Generally, after listening to these messages for some time people might grow weary of listening to them, therefore, she suggests that one way of remaining focused is envisioning a specific future. Not only is this chapter concerned with showing the dreams that Hollis had, and how she achieved some of them, but it also provides an insight of how individuals can work to ensure that their dream come true.

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