Michelle Obama
Contributed by Eleanor Sherer
Chapter 10

Michelle started keeping a personal journal, in which she would write her feelings occasionally. Her relationship with Barack had progressed to the point where they lived together. The author states that Barack’s intellect and ambition made her question whether she was living her true purpose (Obama 102). Michelle candidly states, "I hated being a lawyer" (Obama 102). The feeling of dissatisfaction in her job, Barack's intellect and ambition, as well as her desire to change the world, made the author completely unsatisfied with her life. While still working at Sidley & Austin, Michelle started looking for new job, unrelated to law.

Michelle and Barack had been in a relationship for a year and a half and started contemplating the idea of marriage. However, Michelle asserts that while she viewed marriage as a “Full-on merger,” Barack viewed marriage as short-lived. Both Michelle and Barack had experienced marriage differently, and thus held varying views.

At the same time, her father’s health was deteriorating. Although Michelle's father often assured the family that he was fine, it was evident to Michelle, her mother and Craig that her father’s health was gradually declining as a result of multiple sclerosis (Obama 105-107). The chapter ends with Michelle visiting her father at the hospital, the two of them looking at each other silently but feeling like they had said everything to each other. It was clear to Michelle that the time had come for her father to say good-bye (Obama 109).


At the beginning of the chapter, Obama paints a picture of how the wrong choices in life, for instance, the wrong career choice can make a person unhappy. Earlier in chapter seven, she had indicated that her drive in career choice was not primarily based on logic but also on the reflexive wish to be approved by other people. Looking back, Michelle regrets that her career choice was limiting her from fulfilling her purpose. She also seems to describe how the family unit can influence a person views on marriage. Both Michelle and Barack had different views about marriage and thus their expectations differed.

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