California State University Fullerton African American Studies Discussion

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California State University Fullerton


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How to write a scientific report: Overview I. A note on the philosophy of scientific writing The purpose of scientific writing is to convey information to others in a clear and concise manner. This is similar to many forms of writing, but unlike some genres, the author’s intent is not to convince the reader that their argument is correct, but they should maintain as objective a stance as possible by using their DATA to justify any proposed THEORY (explanation of cause/effect) or MODEL (schematic representations of theory and/or data) . As you develop your scientific writing skills, we encourage you to keep in mind that you should write “without fear and favor” as proclaimed by the founder of the New York Times, Adolf Ochs. “Without fear” that the data you present may not be what was expected or your theory may not align with an existing paradigm, and “without favor” for prior hypotheses or paradigms but rather an open and objective interpretation of the data to the best of your ability. One of the few differences between scientific writing and some other forms is the need to be concise and avoid superfluous language (e.g. adjectives) or redundancy; this is most evident in more technically formatted sections such as the Methods or Results sections. The following pages will help guide your writing, but is only one set of guidelines in a field of writing that can vary greatly between subdisciplines. II. Basic Formatting a. Double space everything except for references and abstract b. Use 12-pt font throughout; Times, Ariel, or another “normal” font c. Format the page to have one-inch margins d. Add page numbers to the bottom right corners e. Put your name, lab day/time, and date in the header so it is on each page III. Required Sections- All except the title must begin with a clear heading a. Title- Brief, descriptive, and intriguing for a potential reader i. Capitalize on the first word and any proper nouns (common names of species are not capitalized. ii. Does not need to be on a separate first page b. Abstract- Gives a brief overview of the entire paper i. Include enough of all the other sections that you convey the purpose, result, method, and conclusions ii. Brief (
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.

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