University of Phoenix Business Law Questions

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Business Finance

University of Phoenix


  1. Question 1
  2. 5 Points

  1. After graduating from college with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, Emily sent an email, with her resume attached, to the Melica Marketing Company (MMC). In her email, she was only inquiring about an entry level position at the firm. When she found out that MMC had hired two of her classmates who were not of her race, Emily filed a discrimination complaint against MMC under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Which of the following is true of this scenario?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 applies to:
    1. 5 Points
    1. The most important difference between public and private collective bargaining is that:
    1. 5 Points
    1. To hold an employer liable for racial harassment, an employee must show that:
    1. 5 Points
    1. Affirmative action is used only when there is:
    1. 5 Points
    1. The police chief of the city of Grande Coast reassigns female patrol officers away from high crime areas because people living in such areas do not want female officers guarding them. They feel that female officers are not capable of performing their duties as efficiently as male officers. The female police officers of Grande Coast:
    1. 5 Points
    1. Katie is a qualified carpenter who works for Kent Construction Inc. Kent Construction is losing business as most clients do not like the idea of female construction workers working on their project. They often complain that they cannot trust the work of a female employee. On this basis, Kent Construction fires Katie. Which of the following statements is true in this situation?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Judicial affirmative action is imposed by the courts when:
    1. 5 Points
    1. A local TV station has an opening for an evening sportscaster. Yvonne, a recent graduate with a degree in broadcast journalism, applies for the job. She is not hired on the basis that the job is restricted to men, as it involves interviewing players on high school football teams, which requires the sportscaster to spend a lot of time in the men’s locker rooms.
    1. 5 Points
    1. Harry and Sandra work on the same team for Chemvo Chemical Supply Company. They were both busy over the weekend for different reasons and failed to show up to work the next day. When they returned to work, Harry was only given a verbal warning but Sandra was terminated. Which of the following statements is true in this situation?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Lucia, an electronics assembler at Universal Industries Factory, is sexually propositioned by Mark, who is the head of the quality control department. Upon Lucia’s refusal, Mark starts finding fault with the quality of her work, and she is eventually demoted. Lucia believes that if she complains against Mark to the company’s management, no action will be taken against him because of his reputation with senior management. Though Universal Industries has a sexual harassment policy in place, Lucia does not use it. Instead, she files a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Which of the following holds true in this case?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Eric and Jessica are hired as coaches at Herbert High School in the same year. Each has a bachelor’s degree in physical education, and neither has prior teaching experience. Eric coaches the boys’ basketball team, and Jessica coaches the girls’ basketball team. Both of the teams are trained to compete at the state level. However, Eric’s salary as a coach is higher than Jessica’s salary. Jessica complains that her pay is discriminatory. Which of the following statements is true in this scenario?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Harold, a black man, worked for Alegius Financial Services as a sales representative. On three separate occasions over a period of six months, an anonymous co-worker left racist literature on the desks of all of the employees, including the supervisors’. Also, on the first working day of every month, the employees and the supervisors would receive a link to a hate-based website from an unknown e-mail address. Harold did not raise an issue in his office. Instead, he filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and later sued Alegius for racial harassment. Which of the following holds true in this scenario?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Big Time Manufacturing Inc. was targeted for a union campaign. The union organizers contacted Walter, a bend employee, to assist them in the process of unionization. When management at Big Time came to know that Walter was working with the union organizers, they fired Walter. They also instituted a new rule requiring employees to leave company property within 15 minutes after the end of their shift unless speaking with a member of management. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true in this case?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Jeremy, a freelance accountant, is hired by Ave Supermarket whenever there is some auditing work at the supermarket’s back-end office. Jeremy is called to the office on a need basis and is paid $200 per day for his services. Which of the following is true of this scenario?
    1. 5 Points
    1. In an employment relationship, a non-compete agreement is enforceable:
    1. 5 Points
    1. When an employee alleges sexual harassment based on a hostile work environment, the:
    1. 5 Points
    1. Marcus, a prolific shoe buyer, refuses to be assisted by male store clerks. The owner of Your Shoe Town, therefore, informs his staff that only female employees should attend to Marcus because he does not want to anger a patron of his store. One of the male clerks, Austen, believes that this is illegal gender discrimination. Also, since part of his incentive pay is based on meeting the monthly sales target, he feels that this policy illegally denies him the opportunity to earn incentives because of his gender. Is Austen correct?
    1. 5 Points
    1. In a state with right-to-work laws, _____.
    1. 5 Points
    1. Henry and Rochelle work in the claims department of an insurance company. On Rochelle’s birthday, Henry stops by her cubicle and gives her a cupcake with a heart on the frosting and asks her out to dinner. Rochelle, having never spoken to Henry before, finds his actions strange and declines his offer. Henry does not make any more advances, but Rochelle finds him creepy whenever she sees him in the office. Which of the following holds true in this case?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Maxwell’s interest in an intimate relationship with his supervisor, Gloria, was genuine in the beginning but later subsided. Gloria immediately ceased any pursuit of the relationship at that point. If Maxwell has a professional falling out with Gloria afterward, can he successfully assert that the behavior that occurred during his relationship with Gloria is evidence of sexual harassment?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Frank, a maintenance worker at the Breakwater Swimming Club, is physically attracted to Brenda, one of the swimming instructors. Though Brenda has shown no interest in him, he has been stalking her, making lewd comments to her, and making sexual threats. Frank has been careful to keep his behavior very low profile. Brenda does not bring this matter up with the club’s management but instead decides to quit her job and file a claim of sexual harassment against the club. Which of the following holds true in this scenario?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Which of the following statements is true of affirmative action?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Maya is claiming that she was subjected to racial harassment by her co-workers. To hold her employer liable for racial harassment, Maya must prove that:
    1. 5 Points
    1. Cordova has been involved in negotiations with the union representing her employees for over seven months. An agreement has not been reached on any issue although Cordova has made concessions from her original position. She is unwilling to make further concessions. If no agreement is reached within a reasonable amount of time:
    1. 5 Points
    1. Sanah works as a salesperson at Ave’s Garden Needs. While demonstrating to a customer how to use a hedge trimmer, she accidentally cuts the customer on the arm, requiring a visit to the hospital and several stitches. Which of the following is true of the scenario?
    1. 5 Points
    1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:
    1. 5 Points
    1. Which of the following is the first of the prohibited categories in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
    1. 5 Points
    1. The dress code for Upper Edge Cosmetics requires all employees to report to work in uniforms. The policy also states that female employees are required to wear makeup. However, the only requirement for men is that they keep their hair and nails trimmed. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, female employees at Upper Edge Cosmetics:
    1. 5 Points
    1. During a unionizing campaign, an employer is prohibited from:
  • Explanation & Answer:
    30 questions
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    Explanation & Answer



    Question 1

    Emily Does Not Have A Valid Case Because Sending An Email Inquiry
    About A Job Does Not Qualify The Sender As An Applicant.

    Question 2

    All Employers with 15 or More Workers, Including State and Local
    Government Employers, Employment Agencies, and Labor Unions

    Question 3

    Federal Employees Cannot Bargain About The Numbers, Types, And Grades
    Of Positions And Procedures For Performing Work Or Exercising Author ity.

    Question 4
    1- The Harassment Was Severe Or Pervasive Enough To Alter The Conditions
    Of Employment.
    Question 5
    2- A Demonstrated Under-Representation Of Women And Minorities In The
    Question 6
    1- Can Bring An Action For Gender Discrimination Under Title VII Of The
    Civil Rights Act Of 1964 A...

    Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.

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