BUS 263 John C Calhoun State Community College Business Essay

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Business Finance


Corporations have had a difficult time, at times, balancing profits and obligations to shareholders and what the majority of people feel is moral in particular cases. For example, it is legal to produce textiles overseas where child labor is acceptable; however, many a textile seller has faced harsh criticism and boycotts for doing so (e.g., Kathy Lee Gifford scandal). Should US corporations be held to the same standards we require in the US when they are operating in other countries? Should they be held accountable morally for engaging in what we would consider unethical conduct? In your opinion, how should that relate and/or affect a corporation's duty to earn a profit for shareholders? Be sure to comment upon at least two other students' posts in addition to your own.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: DISCUSSION


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Ethics Discussion

Companies have a hard time to ensure they maintain a global standard in all their
operations across different countries. However, US corporations are required to keep their
rules across the nations they are currently working on. There are some countries such as India
where child labor is not considered a criminal offense but if the company is from American
origin, it is required to ensure it maintains the standards even in these regions that seemingly
have lesser strict rules. Notably, the US companies...

Very useful material for studying!

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