BUS 230: Business Law Reevans Industry Essay

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Business Finance

BUS 230



Being as creative as possible, describe a business you would like to start. Include a summary of the products and/or services the business would sell, where it would be located, the market that it would serve and what the potential opportunities and threats to the business would be. Which type of organizational form would you use to start the business? (Limited Liability Corporation-LLC is the form I chose - so please define & explain in depth)

Why did you choose this particular form, LLC, and what are the potential advantages and disadvantages to the form you chose? 

Explanation & Answer:
800 Words
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Explanation & Answer


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Reevans Industry
Reevans Industry is a manufacturing company that I would start and engage in
successfully. Reevans Industry will deal with footwear products specifically of leather type,
sportswear, sandals, and canvas athletic. Likewise, it will offer services such as online delivery
of products and repairs. The primary mission of this industry will be to emerge as the best
footwear organization globally, not only in the production of shoes but also in offering repair
services. However, this business structure will be located in the United States. The United States,
a developed country, will create the right market industry for this organization. Reevans industry
will serve the South America region of the United States. Likewise, most of the services will be
done online, resulting in the global expansion of the services and attraction of potential clients.
However, as private industry, it will operate under legal aspects, hence exceptional protection
and effective licensing. This business will be exposed to potential opportunities for high
productivity rates, liability protection, and development of the brand image. However, the
company might face...

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