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Bottling Company Case Study

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Bottling Company Case Study:
In statistics, mean is an average of numbers. In order to determine it in this case study, I
added all the number of ounces and divide them by the total number of bottles. The sums of

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ounces are 446.1 while the number of bottles is 30. As such, the mean is 446.1 / 30 is which is
On the other hand, the median is the middle or center number or data once they are
arranged in order. Consequently, the median is the middle number of ounces in the bottles. In this
case, the given numbers are in order. There are 30 entries (even number). Hence, the mean of 2
center numbers (14.8 and 14.8) will provide the precise median number.
14.8 +14.8= 14.8
Standard deviation is the term used to measure the way or how numbers are spread out.
In essence, it calculated just to show the extent to which far apart some data is in a given
scenario. The symbol for standard deviation is sigma (σ). According to (Quinn & Keough, 2002),
standard deviation may be calculated by finding the difference between entry mean and the entry
data. In this scenario, once variance is obtained, it is divided by 30-1 giving rise to a standard
deviation of approximately 0.55 after rounding down to 2 decimal places.
Confidence interval is a phrase in statistics which measures probability that some
population parameter falls between 2 value sets. In sum, the confidence interval comes about as
the possibility that a certain value falls between a lower and an upper bound of the probability
distribution. Confidence intervals may take any probability numbers, with the common numbers
being 99% and 95%. So as to construct the 95 % confidence interval, several statistics are
required. The first one is the mean and in this case 14.9 due to the reality that we have already
selected a 95% confidence interval, i find margin of error so as to get the answer. With the help

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Bottling Company Case Study: Name: Institution: In statistics, mean is an average of numbers. In order to determine it in this case study, I added all the number of ounces and divide them by the total number of bottles. The sums of ounces are 446.1 while the number of bottles is 30. As such, the mean is 446.1 / 30 is which is 14.9. On the other hand, the median is the middle or center number or data once they are arranged in order. Consequently, the median is the middle number of ounces in the bottles. In this case, the given numbers are in order. There are 30 entries (even number). Hence, the mean of 2 center numbers (14.8 and 14.8) will provide the precise median number. 14.8 +14.8= 14.8 2 Standard deviation is the term used to measure the way or how numbers are spread out. In essence, it calculated just to show the extent to which far apart some data is in a given scenario. The symbol for standard deviation is sigma (?). According to (Quinn & Keough, 2002), standard deviation may be calculated by finding the difference between entry mean and the entry data. In this scenario, once variance is obtained, it is divided by 30-1 giving rise to a standard deviation of approximately 0.55 after rounding down to 2 decimal places. Confidence interval is a phrase in statistics which measures probability that some population parameter falls between 2 value sets. In sum, the confidence interval comes about as the possibility that a certain value falls between a lower ...
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