NVCC How the Earth was Made Birth of Earth Questions

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Northern Virginia Community College

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I'm working on a geology case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


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How the Earth was Made – Birth of Earth 1. How did the Earth form? What was there before? 2. How do we know that the early Earth went through a period where we think it was totally molten (liquid)? 3. How did we figure out the age of the Earth? What is it? 4. How did the moon form? How do we know? 5. How did we figure out that the early Earth had oceans? 6. How old are the oldest rocks found in the Hudson Bay area of Canada? 7. Where do scientists think that Earth’s water came from? What is the evidence? How old is the water? 8. So, we have solid rock crust and water. This set the stage for the development of life. Where did the building blocks of life come from? What are those building blocks? 9. But life needs oxygen… what was the earliest atmosphere like? Why? 10. So where did the oxygen come from? 11. Stromatolites and all of Earth’s earliest organisms lived in the water. Why is oxygen so important to the emergence of life living on land? (This was not discussed in the movie, you will need to research this yourself)
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Explanation & Answer:
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How the Earth Was Made – Birth of Earth
Question-1 Answer
The experiments on salts crystal in space indicated that the earth started forming when the
mineral grains of solar dust clouds stuck together they formed a solid body mass called the earth.
Question-2 Answer
Soon after its formation, the earth formed layers. The earth attracted heavy iron and nickel
rocks in the core and lighter rocks of other solar minerals on the surface to make a thin crust. Then,
there will be massive atomic activities of these solar minerals that turned the earth into a molten
lava condition.
Question-3 Answer
If we could figure out the age of a meteorite via dating, the age of the Earth can be figured
out easily. For this purpose, Peterson, a geologist, took a sample of a meteorite fragment from the
meteor crater in Arizona and dated it. After this process, he figured out the meteorite was a
staggering 4.5 billion ye...

jnx_fbyhgvbaf (4828)
New York University

Awesome! Perfect study aid.

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