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Organizational Culture
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The culture of an organization entails a system of shared values, belief, and assumptions
which guide the actions and behaviors of employees. Every organization has its culture suited for
its needs and goal accomplishment (Dempsey, 2015). Some of the organizational cultures of
AT&T Inc. include teamwork, respect and dignity, creativity and innovation, and precision.
While an organization may establish a culture that defines the boundaries of its employees, there
exist several factors that affect these cultures. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice are
some of the factors that are likely to influence the culture of an organization.
The stereotype includes false beliefs individuals hold about a particular group of people.
When a stereotype is applied to a particular person, then it is said to be prejudice. Prejudice
include a feeling an individual develops towards a person because he or she comes or is attached
to a particular group. Discrimination, on the other hand, involves actions against one or more
persons (Chin, 2010). From the study conducted, these factors negatively affect the culture of
AT&T Inc. in the following ways.
Stenotype is present in AT&T Inc. It is based on the race thus hampering the ability of
employees to work as a team and the precision in handling the tasks as it is psychologically
damaging. The white employees perpetuate the stereotype in this organization against the
African Americans and the Latinos workers. They are viewed as drug dealers and terrorists by
their white counterparts, hence limiting collaboration in the firm.
Prejudice in AT&T Inc. is based on the age. This act is exhibited by senior employees
against the newly recruited and junior workers in the organization. The top employees hold a
belief that the newly graduated employees have nothing or little to contribute to the decision
making and improvement of the firm since they are inexperienced. As a result, any idea

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Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Organizational Culture Student’s name Professor Course Date 1 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 2 The culture of an organization entails a system of shared values, belief, and assumptions which guide the actions and behaviors of employees. Every organization has its culture suited for its needs and goal accomplishment (Dempsey, 2015). Some of the organizational cultures of AT&T Inc. include teamwork, respect and dignity, creativity and innovation, and precision. While an organization may establish a culture that defines the boundaries of its employees, there exist several factors that affect these cultures. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice are some of the factors that are likely to influence the culture of an organization. The stereotype includes false beliefs individuals hold about a particular group of people. When a stereotype is applied to a particular person, then it is said to be prejudice. Prejudice include a feeling an individual develops towards a person because he or she comes or is attached to a particular group. Discrimination, on the other hand, involves actions against one or more persons (Chin, 2010). From the study conducted ...
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