MGMT 6740 Grand Canyon University Motivation Techniques Discussion

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MGMT 6740

Grand Canyon University




Preparing a White Paper

A white paper is an authoritative, informative guide or report that aims to identify a problem, propose a solution, or assist in decision making. In short, the purpose of a white paper is to inform and persuade. The intended audience of a white paper could be the general public or possibly an organization or groups of organizations looking to address needs or find solutions to problems. The author’s main goal again is to be persuasive and to ensure she addresses the needs of her audience.

The content of a white paper should include the following basic elements. Start with a compelling introduction where you present the problem and summarize your solution succinctly in a paragraph or two. Next, present the problem or describe the opportunity in more detail and support your description with solid, factual evidence. Then, describe a baseline solution to the problem. Lastly, present your solution as the best possible solution. Complete your white paper with a conclusion that restates the problem and presents your approach to understanding or solving the issue.

When it comes to formatting a white paper, there is no right or wrong way nor is there any single method or approach. You may want to create an outline before you begin writing to assist in the clear flow of content for your white paper. A white paper may or may not feature a title page and abstract. You also may wish to include images, charts, graphs, and other figures to back up your claims and capture your audience’s attention. Remember, the overall goal is to be persuasive, informative, and call your audience to action.

Additional Resources

Purdue Online Writing Lab – White Paper: Purpose and Audience

Assignment Instructions

Imagine that you have been asked by a large company, with more than 500 employees in various levels of the company, to prepare a white paper on motivation techniques. Specifically, they have always relied on incentives and bonuses to motivate their employees and they are interested in exploring alternatives.

  • Looking at recent research in the field, as well as the resources offered in this activity, describe various motivation interventions and take a position on the effectiveness of these motivation techniques.
  • Locate examples of organizations recently (within the past 5 years) in the news due to their efforts to motivate employees. Support your discussion of motivation techniques by including at least two examples of organizations that were able to successfully motivate their employees.

Explanation & Answer:
5 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Topic: Motivation Techniques
Thesis statement: Examines motivation techniques
Several factors, such as human resources, capital, among others, impact organizational
performance. From these factors, human resource has the most significant impact on
organizational performance. Thus, it is crucial for organizations to motivate their employees to
achieve their desired objectives. Motivating employees can sometimes be difficult, and if an
employee's levels of motivation reach a low point, it may affect other work areas. A manager
may pride himself in the company; however, without having staff members who match with
his/her enthusiasm, the firm may not reach its full potential
❖ Employee recognition
❖ Value work life balance
❖ Setting measurable goals
Employee motivation is a critical component in the workplace environment since it contributes
to the company-wide performance. Employee motivation should be a firm's regular routine.
Several benefits accrue due to the motivation of employees. Companies will experience
increased employee satisfaction, commitment, employee development, and efficiency.
Companies that fail to understand employee motivation experiences disengaged staff having low
motivation. Therefore, each company should strive to embrace employee motivation to achieve

success. Several notable companies have embraced different motivation techniques that are now
part of their culture. They realize that employee forms the core part of an organization.
Motivation should be every manager’s priority in the present world.


Motivation Techniques



Motivation Techniques

Several factors, such as human resources, capital, among others, impact organizational
performance. From these factors, human resource has the most significant impact on
organizational performance. Thus, it is crucial for organizations to motivate their employees to
achieve their desired objectives. Motivating employees can sometimes be difficult, and if an
employee's levels of motivation reach a low point, it may affect other work areas. A manager
may pride himself in the company; however, without having staff members who match with
his/her enthusiasm, the firm may not reach its full potential. Moreover, a lack of motivation may
result in declining brand performance, reduced revenue, unsatisfactory customer service, and low
levels of performance. Low motivation levels in the workplace can contribute to high costs to an
organization. Low morale levels in the USA cost...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.
