ENVS 446 University of Idaho Drinking Water Standards Paper

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ENVS 446

University of Idaho



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ENVS446/546 Drinking Water and Human Health Assignment 3 Note: Analyze and answer the questions below. Save and include your NAME on the assignment and on the assignment filename when submitted . 1.Define and discuss primary and secondary drinking water standards. 12 points 2. What are the five categories of primary drinking water standards? 12 points 3. As a category of primary drinking water standards, the organic chemicals are the largest group. Briefly discuss and provide an example of each of the three sub-categories of organic chemicals. 12 points 4. What are the similarities and differences between SOCs and VOCs? 12 points 5. List four inorganic chemicals that are regulated by primary standards and list potential adverse impacts on each on human health. 12 points 6. Coliform bacteria are not considered a hazard to human health; however, all community/public water systems are required to test for these organisms on a regular basis. Why is testing required? 12 points 7. You live in a rural area and you get your drinking water from your own private well. By law what tests are you required to perform on your well water. Discuss. 12 points 8. Secondary standards for drinking water are not enforceable by law. Why is this? Do you think that secondary standards should be enforced? Defend your answer. 16 points
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Explanation & Answer


Drinking Water Standards
February 15, 2020

Question# 1
People need water to survive in live. Water is used in various activities such as washing,
drinking, and cooking. Research shows that water may contain harmful constituents that may
have adverse effects on our bodies (Masters & Ela, 2013). As such, we should drink clean and
safe water. Having this in mind, there is need to set standards for drinking water. There are no
universally recognized standards of water. However, countries have come up with varying
standards as much as ten times from one set of standards to another. The United States has come
up with the Safe Drinking Water Act to monitor water safety. Besides, the World Health
Organization monitors and gives guidelines on the standards of drinking water in countries that
have not yet set the standards.
Primary water standards are techniques that apply in public water systems. The
government can enforce primary drinking water standards. Again, the standards are based on
health procedures and practices. Environmental Protection Act plays a vital role by balancing the
water against economic and technical feasibility.
On the other hand, secondary drinking water standards are mandatory standards set for
drinking water. The guidelines are set to protect individuals from using toxic water. Research
shows that the secondary standards are unenforceable (World Health Organization, 1993).
Besides, they are based on the physical appearance of water, such as color and unaesthetic

Question# 2

Primary water might have some small impurities. The contaminants might be harmful to
our body and vice versa (Hendriks, 1978). However, the presence of impurities in the water does
not depict that it is not safe for drinking. The general categories of drinking water standards are
as discussed below.
Physical- the impurities affect how the water looks. This category includes the presence
of sediments and organic materials that are in the water sources such as rivers. The residues and
natural materials are a result of sold erosion and other human activities.
Organic chemicals- they consist of elements found in the water. Most of them are

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.

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