UOM Environmental Science Conservation of Biological Diversity & Ecosystem Paper

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University of Manitoba


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2020/2/23 Assignment 2 Listen    ENVR 1000 A ssignment 2 CONSERVATION OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT FOR MOUNTAIN GORILLAS IN BWINDI IMPENETRABLE NATIONAL PARK Assignment 2 is worth 20% toward your grade in this course. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to investigate the concepts and strategies related to the conservation of biological diversity in Part A (worth 20 marks); and ecosystem management for mountain gorillas in Part B (worth 20 marks). In particular, by completing the assignment you will: demonstrate knowledge of the dynamics involved in the conservation of biological diversity; familiarize yourself with the various strategies used internationally, nationally and provincially to promote and protect species; identify the key elements and steps involved in the protection of biological diversity through an ecosystem management approach; and apply the ecosystem management approach in a case study involving the sustainability of mountain gorillas. Your assignment should include your name and student number, should be double-spaced and include in-text citation as well as a reference list at the end of your assignment. I recommend that you copy and paste each question and then use paragraphs/full sentences to answer the question. Remember that the assignment is worth a significant value and therefore you are evaluated on the completeness of your answer. You should include upwards of 5 references based on your own research. In completing the assignment, be sure to provide reference sources for your information to avoid plagiarism by using a standard citation system as described in the following: http://umanitoba.ca/Advoc-Cheat-Booklet-rev04-web.pdf https://libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/citingandwriting http://tim.thorpeallen.net/Courses/Reference/Citations.html Part A. Conservation of Biological Diversity (20 marks) Review Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy and the associated government legislative mechanisms that relate to biodiversity conservation in your course notes found in Unit 3. Use the following websites to help you answer questions 1 to 3 below: Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy: http://www.biodivcanada.ca/ International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List:https://www.iucn.org/resources/conservationtools/iucn-red-list-threatened-species Canada Species at Risk Act (SARA): http://www.sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=24F7211B-1 Canada SARA Recovery Program: http://www.sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=C2460344-1 https://universityofmanitoba.desire2learn.com/d2l/le/content/342564/viewContent/1761573/View?ou=342564 1/3 2020/2/23 Assignment 2 Manitoba Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act (MESEA): https://www.gov.mb.ca/sd/environment_and_biodiversity/species_ecosystems/index.html Based on your research, answer the following: 1. Describe (in your own words) five ways that humans have contributed to a higher rate of species extinction today. (5 marks) 2. Contrast the classification systems that are used in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Red List, Canada's Species At Risk Act (SARA), and the Manitoba Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act (MESEA). How do these support biodiversity conservation? (10 marks) 3. Describe how the peregrine falcon and polar bear are classified by each of the agencies in question 2. Why might there be differences in classification and how does this in itself benefit species conservation? (5 marks) Part B. Ecosystem Management of Mountain Gorillas in Bwindi National Park (20 marks) Download the document The Ecosystem Approach: 5 Steps to Implementation that has been developed by the IUCN (5 steps to ecosystem management). Review the document, paying particular attention to the 5 implementation steps. Refer to the following websites on Mountain Gorilla conservation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park: Conservation for Whom?https://www.open.edu/openlearn/nature-environment/environment-journeys-throughchanging-world?track=2" Gorilla Tourism - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/39999/17989719#conservation-actions Best Practice Guidelines for Great Ape Tourism - https://www.readkong.com/page/best-practice-guidelines-for-greatape-tourism-3237177?p=1 Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park Uganda - https://www.bwindiforestnationalpark.com/ Eastern Gorillas - https://www.berggorilla.org/en/gorillas/species/eastern-gorillas/mountain-gorilla/ Using the above information as your guide, note that the ecosystem approach was utilized to create a conservation strategy for mountain gorillas found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Answer the following: 4. Where are Mountain Gorillas found in the world? What are their habitat requirements? What is their classification status and why? (5 marks) 5. Step 1 of the Ecosystem Approach is to define the stakeholders and the area under consideration for the development of an ecosystem management plan. How was this done for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. (5 marks) 6. Step 2 of the Ecosystem Approach requires that the ecosystem structure and function be described, and then applied to establish management objectives. Trace how the management objectives for Bwindi National Park were developed, and how the ecosystem features indicated below were included in the decision-making process. Why did the management objectives evolve and how do they now attempt to ensure the viability of mountain gorillas into the future: (10 marks) Mountain Gorillas; The Food Web - primary producers, competitors and predators; Human Resource Development - forestry, hunting, ecotourism top Copyright © 2014. Updated 2020. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission from the copyright owner. https://universityofmanitoba.desire2learn.com/d2l/le/content/342564/viewContent/1761573/View?ou=342564 2/3 2020/2/23 Assignment 2 The University of Manitoba https://universityofmanitoba.desire2learn.com/d2l/le/content/342564/viewContent/1761573/View?ou=342564 3/3
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Conservation of Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Management
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Conservation of Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Management
Part A: Conservation of Biological Diversity
1. Five ways that humans have contributed to a higher rate of species extinction today
The ways humans cause the extinction of species today follow the activities people engage in
against the environment. As a result, these activities bring about species migration that leads to a
reduction in numbers. Also, they lead to complete extinction due to living in unfavorable
habitats. Five major ways of human-related causes bring about the extinction of species.
According to IUCN (2016), the first way is the constant hunting and catching animals for food,
selling, or entertainment. The second way humans bring about the extinction of species is
through land-use practices. The clearing of land to do agriculture, create settlements, and
establish economic activities brings about animal and plant species extinction. The third way is
when there is the unintentional or intentional introduction of destructive predators, parasites, or
destructive diseases. One way this happens is through agricultural activities, where the use of
certain agricultural methods may destroy the species’ habitat. The fourth way is through doing
ecological damage. For instance, engaging in agricultural activities causes air, water, and soil
pollution. Consumption of food that comes from polluted air, water, and soil will lead to a
reduction and complete extinction of species. The fifth way is through human activities that
cause change to normal cycles of the ecological system. For instance, change in cycles of how
species grow from being offspring to becoming mature animals or plants that can reproduce. The
effect of the cycle creates a gap between the remaining generation and ones that survive to bring
forth the next generation.
2. The contrast in the classification systems of IUCN, SARA, and MESEA



The classification systems used by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's
Red List follows a ten categorization method. According to The International Union for
Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species (2020), the first category is extinct,
which includes species that are no longer available at appropriate times, such as seasonal,
diurnal, and annual. The second category is extinct in the wild. The third category is critically
endangered, meaning it faces an extreme and high risk of undergoing extinction. The fourth is
the endangered species, which is facing a high risk of becoming extinct. The fifth category is
vulnerable, meaning it is facing extinction if it is in...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
