Strayer University Small Business Paper

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Business Finance

Strayer University


Original Description:

Assignment 3: Small Business Program and Source Selection Plans

Choose to respond to this scenario from a government or a contractor perspective. If you select government, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a government employee (or military personnel) receiving the proposal from the contractor. If you select contractor, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a contractor employee submitting a proposal to the government.

Imagine that you are working on a program for the purchase of (if government) or the sale of (if contractor) the installation of security fencing around the base of towers along the Arizona-Mexico border that are used for long-range cameras. The cost of the project is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Your boss has asked you to create a portion of the main contract for a small business set- aside contract.

Write a six to eight (6-8) contract proposal in which you:

  1. Examine the purpose of the federal small business program to include a historical aspect of the government regulations that created the program.
  2. Evaluate the small business set-aside program in regard to the eligibility to participate.
  3. Assess the dollar threshold reserved for small business contracts in the scenario.
  4. Analyze the contract formats for government contracts to include universal and commercial formats. Determine which format to use for the small business contract described in the scenario.
  5. Determine the purpose of the source selection evaluation plan.

Explanation & Answer:
6 Pages
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Explanation & Answer


Assignment outline
#Paragraphs 1 is the introduction part
Paragraph 2
addresses question 1
#paragraph 3,4 and 5 discourses question 2
#paragraphs 6 Talks about question 3
#paragraphs 7,8 and 9
Tackles question 4
#paragraph 10 and 11
Addresses question 5
#paragraph 12 and
Deals with question 6


Federal Small Business Program




Federal Small Business Program
This program was invented to help young and disadvantaged people start their own
businesses and become economically independent. The US government looks to sponsor young
and creative youths into realizing their potentials as it provides opportunities and support (Link
et al., 2019). The federal government can offer assistance in the form of loans, contracts, or
offering entrepreneurial education to young people. When it comes to contracts, the government
ensures that young and disadvantaged people are not affected much because of small business
set-asides. This prevents other people from bidding the contracts. This provides an opportunity
for young people to benefit from government-sponsored programs, especially in winning
contracts. Set-aside in contracting is one of the programs developed by the government where a
select group is offered a chance to bid especially in the construction of public works.
1. Why Federal Small Business Program to Include a Historical Aspect of the Government
Regulations that Created It
The program has to include historical features of the regulations that govern the process.
The historical aspect of government regulations looks at the purpose of technical evaluation. The
regulation section looks at the importance of fairness and integrity when carrying out the
evaluations (Link et al., 2019). The team in-charge of evaluation of applicants and contract
proposals are supposed to follow the guidelines provided to them by the federal government. For
instance, the beneficiaries of the program are supposed to earn the contracts in a fair manner. The
federal government helps the minority who are disadvantaged both economically and socially by
ensuring that every citizen is treated fairly when it comes to winning contracts. The historical
aspects are also very clear concerning technical evaluations like the sustainability of the projects



and objectives of the contract. The regulations also help to determine if the expenditure proposed
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