ART 100 Cuyamaca College Born Artwork Summary

User Generated



Art 100

Cuyamaca College



Artwork information:

  1. Artist name
  2. Name of the artwork
  3. Date
  4. Medium (what it's made of....oil paint, charcoal, etc)
  5. Attach the image
  6. Style of Representation: these are the general forms/styles of representation, or how art “looks”. Describe how it qualifies according to one of the styles. You must describe details of the artwork; anything from color, texture, flat areas, 3-D areas, size, etc-- to back up your choice of style. (Please look to the textbook to define and describe the following terms)

• Abstract
• Representational or Naturalistic: Idealized, Expressionist, Surreal
• Non-representational

7. FORMAL ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION: Identify the artwork in regards to the noticeable elements & principles with your new vocabulary; you don't need to address ALL of the elements/principles, just the ones that are dominant. Remember, now that we have a list of things to look for, we can identify them more easily. You MUST use the correct vocabulary (from the textbook) in order to earn credit.

  • FORMAL ELEMENTS: line, light and value, color, texture and pattern, shape and volume, space, time and motion, chance, improvisation and spontaneity.
  • PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION: balance, rhythm, proportion and scale, emphasis, unity and variety.

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- Media in Two-Dimensional Art: Lithography Lithography starts with a drawing created with an oily crayon, pencil, or liquid on either a limestone slab or a metal surface. Gum arabic, which is a water-based liquid, is then applied to the entire surface, except where the oily marks resist it. Next, the stone or plate is inked with an oil-based ink, which adheres only to the greasy marks drawn on the surface ( Fig. 3.13C ). The plate or stone is then put through the press, where the inked areas transfer to the paper. Figure 3.17 shows Kiki Smith's lithograph, Born, from 2002. Smith's work often uses folk tales and mythologies as subject matter; life, death, and resurrection are frequent themes. 3.17 Kıkı Smith . Born, 2002. Lithograph, composition and sheet; 68 1/16" x 56%". Publisher and printer: Universal Limited Art Editions, West Islip, New York. Edition: 28. Gift of Emily Fisher Landau (369.2002). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Lithography is the printmaking process that produces results that most resemble drawings.
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Running Head: ART SUMMARY


Art Summary
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name


Artist Name: Kiki Smith

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