SMC Comparison between Roman Colosseum and the LA Coliseum Essay

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Santa Monica College



This paper assignment asks you to write a comparison between an Ancient Greek/Roman building and a building in Los Angeles that has been inspired by the Ancient Greek/Roman architectural tradition. Write a 2 page paper, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman font. You do not need to do outside research. I'll provides you with the links you need.

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Running head: COMPARISON


Comparison between the Roman Colosseum and the L.A. Coliseum
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Comparison between the Roman Colosseum and the L.A. Coliseum
The similarities and differences between the Roman Colosseum and the L.A. Coliseum
lie in their functions and how those functions influenced the architectural design. The difference
in the time when both buildings were made also makes them different. An important
consideration is that L.A. Coliseum, which was constructed about 100 years ago, was largely
influenced by the design of the Roman Colosseum (Discover Los Angeles, 2019).
The Roman Colosseum was used to stage various events including executions and
gladiatorial contests. These events resulted in blood and entrails from the gladiators that battled,
criminals that were executed, and the slaughtered animals. To accommodate the spillage, the
floor of the Colosseum was covered with sand (Follo, Harris, & Zucker, 2015). The sand
absorbed the blood and allowed for easy cleaning. On the other hand, the L.A. Coliseum has
been used as a sports venue where athletes from around the world have competed in events such
as concerts, the Olympic, and the Super Bowls (Discover Los Angeles, 2019). The ki...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.

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