ENG 112 James Madison University Technology Violate the Personal Privacy Essay

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eng 112

James Madison University



The Academic Research Essay project asks you to identify an issue in your current or future career and to develop and support an argument addressing that issue.  You will argue a specific position on the issue you select.  You can argue for a specific perspective/position on the issue. Or, you can argue for a specific solution to the issue.

My topic is should privacy is protected?

My issue is technology violate the personal privacy.

Your Academic Research essay should: 

  • Adhere to academic essay genre, including having introduction with thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Present a clear, specific position on the issue chosen. 
  • Provide rational and logical point/reasons to support your argument 
  • Use evidence from at least 4 credible sources to develop and support your argument 
  • Address any counter or opposing views 
  • Document all sources in either MLA  

Formatting and Length Requirements:

The essay should be 5  pages in length and adhere to the academic essay genre, including double-spacing, 12 point, Times New Roman font, and source citations. 

Problem-Solution Essay

  • Introduction with Thesis Statement
  • Body Paragraphs
    • Problem (explain what the issue is in detail)
    • Solution (argue for your solution, point out its strengths and weaknesses)
  • Conclusion

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Explanation & Answer

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Should Privacy be Protected: Technology violate the Personal Privacy
Skyrocketing technology in the contemporary world has immense consequences on
human life. While many people have always valued their privacy and personal life, modern
technology has infringed upon this privacy; hence, reducing control of their lives. Some people
lack control of their information and access to personal data. In this regard, living in the
information age has sanctioned immense many consequences for humanity. Despite living in the
information age, there is a need to comply with ethical and juridical concerns by protecting
people’s privacy. This includes the right to access information, privacy rights, and the free flow
of information.
While technology has been hailed for its essential role in the modern lives of the people,
there is a need to comprehend the dangers and threats to individuals’ activities and their lives in
general. Privacy is considered a fundamental right for every individual and therefore should be
protected at all costs (Van den Hoven). The hacking, tracking and tracing of people’s
information have become a common aspect of the modern age. As such, these behaviors and
activities have resulted in mishandling, fraud, crime, and theft. It is worth comprehending that
violation of privacy may lead to the destruction of an individual’s reputation, respect, career, or
even the organization, which its information has been leaked (Auxier et al.). Therefore,
protection of individuals’ privacy is essential since it promotes respect for the people, control of
one’s life, freedom of thoughts as well as speech.

Importance of Individual’s Privacy
Several experts and advocates of human rights agree that the protection of privacy is a
fundamental aspect of the lives of human beings. In this case, they pinpoint various reasons that
sanction the need for privacy. Firstly, infringing upon people’s privacy especially by the
government limits their freedom. In this case, personal information can be used to make
important decisions and further affect the reputation of people. Similarly, personal data shape an
individual’s behavior. In this case, the government can use personal data to control people’s
behaviors freedom of association or expression, and even their overall lifestyles. Another reason
for advocating privacy protection is respect for individuals, whereby every individual should
have a reasonable desire of keeping his or her issues private. Thus, ignoring such desires or
wishes is a violation or disrespect of their privacy. In most cases, the desire for privacy conflicts
with some important aspects and further leads to trivial harm to others.
Thirdly, privacy is needed for reputational management to influence people’s friendships,
and opportunities positively. Personal information strongly influences their dignity and
reputation. Fourth, personal information enables people to maintain social boundaries, which can
also assist in the management of conflicts. Breaches of social boundaries occur through the
sharing of private information, which in turn, leads to awkward social situations as well as
friction (Britz). Similarly, a breach of an individual’s privacy leads to limited control over one’s
life. For example, personal information exposes one to the investigation by the government and
conducting searches at people’s premises. Therefore, people’s privacy in the modern world has
been infringed upon in all aspects.
How Technology Violates People’s Privacy

Some scholars have blamed technology for the diminishing privacy levels in people’s
lives. Following the development of the internet over the years, personalization of information
using cookies has allowed the government to track people’s data and use it against them (Britz,
96). Furthermore, the recent development of cloud computing has increased privacy concerns
since people’s data is available on the web. In cloud computing, all the information and
programs are found online. The user data can be located elsewhere in the world; hence, making it
easy to be accessed by authorities. In most cases, data gathered through online search engines
can be used for various concerns and reasons. In the United Kingdom, certain information
concerning terrorism was banned, which means that an individual found accessing certain
information related to terrorism could be jailed for perpetuating. Some of these searches are
conducted based on research purposes, yet such people are penalized for accessing such

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.
