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Anxiety And Related Disorders 1

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Anxiety and Related Disorders
Student Name
Part 1. Anxiety
Anxiety is a psychological disorder which is considered to be the silent killer and
gradually but deeply harms the mental health of the person who is suffering from it.
Generally, there are no clear symptoms and indications through which a person himself may
realize that he is having the anxiety problem but if there are any phobias from which the
person is going through, ten he can easily believe that he has this psychological problem. I
also find myself as water, dogs and wasp phobic.
I feel terrified from a dog in an event of an encounter and even I am deadly sure that the
dog is tied and under control of its owner but still the fear factor is always there and I become
anxious. Secondly, the water phobia is also a common happening with me and whenever I go
for sea-sighting, I feel that there will be something gigantic which feel come out of the water
and will take me with it and either I will be eaten by that enormous monster or the water will
sink me down to death. The treatment method which can help in managing the anxiety is the
experience of water, starting from a small swimming pool to a pond, river and then the sea in
a gradual manner so that the person get familiar and friendly with water and start daring to
feel that this is only his own perception and fear which is fake.
Treatment with Medicine
According to Öhman (2000), patients who are suffering from anxiety are given the anti-
anxiety medicines which may help them to decrease the side effects of tension, for example,
panic and violent attacks, suspected factor of fear form nearby people and stress. The most
well-known anti-anxiety prescriptions are called benzodiazepines.

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Part 2. Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a mental issue portrayed by anomalous social conduct and inability to
comprehend what is genuine/real. Commonly, effects incorporate false convictions, indistinct
or befuddled thinking, listening to strange voices, lessened social engagement and passionate
expression, and an absence of inspiration. Individuals with schizophrenia frequently have
extra emotional issues, for example, uneasiness issue, real depressive ailment, or substance
use issue.
Hor and Taylor (2010) confer that indications gradually appear step by step, start in
young age, and keep going for quite a while. The reasons for schizophrenia incorporate
natural and hereditary factors. Possible natural or environmental factors incorporate being
brought up in a city, use of cannabis, certain contamination and infections, and poor diet in
pregnant women. Genetic components and factors also incorporate an assortment of basic and
uncommon genetic variations. Diagnosis depends on observations of the behaviour and the
individual's specific symptoms.
I feel surprized that due to mental disorder, an apparently healthy man is severely ill,
moreover, if there is a proper and systematic treatment for this disease and even the
symptoms arise gradually, then why this has not been being controlled in time before it turns
out to be severe and serious diseases.

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Anxiety and Related Disorders Student Name College/University Part 1. Anxiety Anxiety is a psychological disorder which is considered to be the silent killer and gradually but deeply harms the mental health of the person who is suffering from it. Generally, there are no clear symptoms and indications through which a person himself may realize that he is having the anxiety problem but if there are any phobias from which the person is going through, ten he can easily believe that he has this psychological problem. I also find myself as water, dogs and wasp phobic. I feel terrified from a dog in an event of an encounter and even I am deadly sure that the dog is tied and under control of its owner but still the fear factor is always there and I become anxious. Secondly, the water phobia is also a common happening with me and whenever I go for sea-sighting, I feel that there will be something ...
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