SUCC Hydraulic Amplification Discussion

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Southern Union State Community College


Please discuss how hydraulic amplification apply to improve hearing?

Identify a research paper and explain in your own words why men have higher risk of hearing loss than women.

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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: Hearing

Hearing hydraulic amplification
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The ear has three major parts. It includes the outer part, middle, and inner ear. The
inner ear performs its role in hearing through hydraulic amplification. In the inner ear, there
is a conversion of hydraulic energy to chemical energy (Pickles, 2013). The inner ear, made
of the semi-circular canals, cochlea, and vestibule, obtain pressure from the middle ear
leading to hydraulic energy. This hydraulic energy is also fluid waves.
The fluid is contained in the cochlea, where the hearing sense receptors are found.
When the fluid moves in the cochlea, it causes the hair fibers into wave motion. The hair
fibers send signals to the auditory nerve, which transmits to the brain to translates to sounds
we hear. Depending on the magnitude of wavelengths, there is a stimulation of hair fibers
through wave motion, thus send signals to the auditory nerve in turn, which transmit the
impulses to the brain. In the brain, the impulses depending on the peak of wavelengths
translate the sounds we hear. This sounds we recognize ...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.

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