University of California Irvine Science Fiction in Twentieth Century Discussion

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University of California Irvine


1.Consider Forbidden Planet in comparison to either Chris Marker's La Jetee or Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville. Explain the differences in period and in national, social and political context, and in the form and meaning of each film. 

2.Consider the relationship between story and plot in Varda's Cleo from 5 to 7.  What is the main story in this film? How does they relate and unfold in the plot?  What else do we come to know and learn with the main character as the plot unfolds? How  does the social climate of Paris in 1962 get conveyed?

3.Analyze the plot and a scene or scenes in Oshima's Death by Hanging in light of the director's statement: "we made this film in the same spirit as street protesters and workers. … you’re sitting in an arthouse theater but we’re not making art. … please watch it with the same passion that you love, play, hate, and fight in the streets”"


Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer


Science-Fiction Films in 20th Century - Outline
Thesis Statement: While Forbidden Planet is structured to warn society of its ambition
in technology and exploration, La Jetee is a reality check for the post-war society to deal with
the lasting effects of war on the people.
I. Introduction
II. Period
III. Context
IV. Form and meaning
V. Conclusion

Surname 1
Science-Fiction in 20th Century
Science fiction films have had a huge impact on film history since the mid-20th
century. Forbidden Planet (1956), one of the earliest science fiction films, focuses on the
discovery of life in another planet while La Jetee (1962) looks at time travel. A comparison
of these two films produces a view of how science fiction was portrayed in film during the
mid-century period. It also reveals the contexts of the films and how they related to their
timing, form, and meaning. While Forbidden Planet is structured to w...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
