CHM 2910 Cal Poly Pomona Chemical Communication Americium Complex Paper

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CHM 2910

Cal Poly Pomona



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CHM2910A: Chemical Communication Final Research Project: Literature Review The final project in this course involves writing a literature review on a topic assigned in class and in the style of a peer-reviewed publication. Each project requires a minimum of 10 cited literature articles. Short literature reviews make up the introductions of published research papers. Good examples of comprehensive literature review articles may be found in the journal, Chemical Reviews (published by ACS-the American Chemical Society). Goals: The goal is to gain experience in scientific writing and learning about a topic by reading the scientific literature. This is designed to be a forum for practicing so I encourage you to attend office hours and get regular feedback on your project. Deadline Summary: The report components must be submitted to blackboard by the listed deadlines as word document. Assignments are always due the day before class meets. See the following for detailed requirements. I. Week 6, 11:59 pm: Annotated bibliography II. Week 10, 11:59 pm: Final project draft for peer review III. Week 11: Peer review IV. Weeks 11-15: 10 minute in-class final project presentation V. Week 15: Final project report All of these deadlines are final limits and no extensions will be offered. I encourage you to submit each of these components earlier, so you can get feedback from me earlier (and potentially resubmit). For all components, you may come to office hours to discuss before submitting your work. I. Annotated bibliography: For the annotated bibliography a report is to be submitted to blackboard that includes the following: 1. A minimum of 10 references. 2. For each reference include: a. Reference cited in American Chemical Society format. b. Brief description of content and focus of article. c. Brief description of how article is or is important for your review. d. Questions that the article raised about your topic. Please note that references may only be from reputable peer-reviewed journals. These include, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallics, the Journal of Physical Chemistry A & B, Biochemistry, Chemical Communications, Science, Nature, Chemical Science, Angewandte Chemie, and Organic Letters. Some of the major reputable publishers include the American Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, Wiley, Nature Publishing Group, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. If you have questions about the reputability of a journal, do not hesitate to ask. CHM2910A: Chemical Communication II. Final Draft for peer review: A final report draft 2-4 pages (double space, 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font) is to be submitted to blackboard that includes the following: 1. Title 2. Introduction 3. Body 4. Conclusions 5. References (10 minimum) 6. At least one figure drawn using Chemdraw Following submission, Dr. Stieber will assign you a colleague’s report for peer review. III. Peer review: Your peer review of your colleague’s report is to be submitted to blackboard that includes the following: 1. Overall impression 2. Detailed suggestions for improvement IV. Final project report: A final report 2-4 pages (double space, 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font) is to be submitted to blackboard that includes the following: 1. Title 2. Introduction 3. Body 4. Conclusions 5. A minimum of 10 references. 6. References must be cited in ACS format using Mendeley or Zotero. 7. At least one figure drawn using Chemdraw. 8. Letter to the editor addressing peer review comments. (not included in page limit) Grading: The final project will be graded based on the following scale: 40% - Completion and effort on components I-II 10% - Completion, level of thought and thoroughness of component III 50% - Final project component IV. This will be graded on quality.
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Americium complex is a freely occurring element on the earth's structure with an atomic number
of 95. The element is very light with an atomic mass of approximately 243 g/mol hence allows
reacting with air quickly. Also, it has a density, 13. 67 g/cm3, which is relatively small, comparing
it with other denser metals in the periodic table. The uniqueness of this element is the highness of
melting and melting point, which differs so much from other elements in the periodic table. It melts
at 994oC and boils at 2607oC. (White et al., 2018). The element exists in the form of isotopes, and
it records to have eight known isotopes. It has several energy orbitals and requires relatively high
energy to remove each energy level, and such its ionization energy is 578 KJ/mol. It has an
electronic shell of 5f, which manages its electromagnetic behavior, and the molecules within the
elements share a strong bond structure.

Figure 1: americium complex structure


Americium is a silvery-white metal usually synthetic in nature. The metal tarnishes in the air but
resistant in alkalis. Americium metal is opaquer than lead. Some of the americium components are
generally colored, such as chloride, which is pink in color (Aspinall, 2018). The americium
accesses the oxidation states in both alkaline and acidic solutions. The most mutual oxidation
solution, which is in the aqueous state, is the trivalent solution of americium.
The solute is present in americium metal ions. Hexavalent and pentavalent americium occurs as
linear where the americium ions make complexes using several anions. The ligands of inorganic
monovalent follow the same sequence, which has complex stability. The trivalent solution of
americium forms phosphate, oxalate, iodate, and fluoride compounds, which are insoluble
(Richards,2018). It also forms complexes of hydroxides in liquid solutions, which are similar to
actinide components. The complexes dissolve at a low rate; hence most of the technologies of
partitioning that spent nuclear fuel use high acidic situations.
Americium is found naturally from minerals of uranium, although in trace amount (Kragh, 2018).
Neutron bombardment of reactors is the core source of americium element, hence it is essential to
separate americium solutions from complex compounds consisting curium. Also, the trivalent
solution of americium should also be separated from curium as well as separating americium of
high oxidation from the curium (Lewis et al., 2018). Separating the curium from americium is a
bit complex due to the usage of the same chemical separation methods. When the separations
require that aqueous technique of separation, it typically uses the acidic solutes, since the curium
and americium seem to hydrolyze hence forming hydroxides which are soluble in alkaline
environs. The aqueous technique of separating curium from americium involves two categories:


separating the trivalent solution of americium from a compound containing curium, and separating
the americium element with higher oxidation from compounds containing curium.
The availability of partitioning technologies facilitates the production of nuclear fuels and allows
the advancement of atomic cycles. Nuclear fuels require americium elements that undergo
radioactive decomposition to release large amounts of heat energy (Vigier et al.,2018). Americium
and curium are scarce elements and occurs in trivalent states in acidic solutions, and their ions
have similar radii sizes. The need for separating these elements leads to the development of
extraction systems. The separation of curium and americium elements from a complex compound
is sometimes expensive and time-consuming. The complexity of isolation is due to the existence
of similarities in chemical composition between the elements forming the mixture (Poeplau, et
al.,2018). After the removal of americium from waste products, the material turns less risky, thus,
improving prediction accuracy in ecological repositories.
The separation process of curium from americium attains only 50% and 70% recovery resulting
from the elimination of curium.


Figure 2: pre-separation of mixtures
From the figure above, the system of separation recovers 98% of curium and 97% of americium.
During the separation, some amounts of gas evolve from bismuthate solution reaction. However,
this phenomenon does not affect the separation process. After a successful separation of americium
from the other components, then the metal has some application and importance to human life.
Americium is crucial to making detectors of smoke, and it is also an essential source of gamma
rays that are portable to assist in the creation of flat glasses (Williams, 2018). Nevertheless, this
isotope is enormously expensive to yield in usable amounts.
Exposing human beings to americium elements risks them from acquiring several ailments. The
exposition occurs through a high concentration of americium in foods, through breathing—also,
skin contact due to the release of americium during nuclear...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!

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