Examples of Kinesics Discussion Paper

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Business Finance


KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior.

Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the “ok” sign.

Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions.

  • Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away or nodding and leaning forward.
  • Adaptors: gestures that make you feel more comfortable in a communication situation such as twirling your hair or tapping your fingers.
  • Affect Displays: facial expressions motivated by emotion such as a smile or frown.
  • In this lesson, you will venture out and observe the people around you. Tune out what they are saying and then sit back and watch. Take notes on what type of gestures (emblems, regulators, illustrators, adaptors and affect displays) are they using? How often do they use each one? Are they aware of these gestures? You will then use your notes to write a typed two-page essay describing what you witnessed. Please let us know where you were, the mall, Starbucks, work etc.. and who was involved, two men sitting at a table…
  • Describe at least ten separate gestures.
  • What type?

What are they conveying? How many repetitions?

What are the circumstances?

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head KINESICS





Nonverbal communication has a great significance when two or more than two
individuals communicate with one another. The major part of nonverbal communication is the
usage of gestures that is basically communicating others without saying a single word.
Movement of head, facial expressions, eyes moving, and moving hands in a particular way are
some of the most important gestures in nonverbal communication. One of the key roles in
gestures is played by the eyes of an individual that basically replicate one’s inner feelings and
thoughts. Movements of hands, on the other hand, indicates how much the individual is involved
in the conversation with others (Santer, 2016).
Real-life Scenario
One fine shiny day I decided to visit the park near my hou...

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