Pasadena City College Algebra Worksheet

User Generated




The content recall is part of the required 15 hr per week "ONLINE ACTIVITY " and worth up to 10% of the course grade Through this assignment, we reinforce our memory, practice explaining concepts for job interviews, and learn from each other.

1. Study Instruction: Set aside at least 3 hours per week to learn by watching the recordings from live classes by clicking the link below. The link to each playlist is in the assignment list for each topic.

No. 10 Class Recordings Playlist (Links to an external site.)

No. 11 Class Recordings Playlist (Links to an external site.)

2. Narrative and Peer Review Instruction: Write more than a page long in single-spacing, a very detailed comprehensive narrative of the content that you learned from the recording. You should spend time reflect, recall, and think about the "CONTENT". Your submission should be more than one page long, typed with single spacing. The writing should be in your own sentences. In this way, you will carry out a conversation with our cortexes because our brains understand concepts most effectively when they are said in complete sentences.

  • You should write as though you are teaching the content to a class.
  • It is recommended that you spread your study time on several days of the week.
  • Explain your formula, graphs, or problem-solving approaches in sentences
  • A line or block of mathematical formulas or graphs is not narrative
  • Outlines or descriptions of activities such as "I watched 10 minutes of videos." do not count as "Content"

2. A vocabulary List: Write each of the new mathematics terms we learned from the recordings or PreReadings in a complete definition. You can use graphs and other formats to supplemental your verbal definitions.

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