Cutting Our Losses Case Study Analysis Paper

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Computer Science


Analysis paper should be approximately 4-5 pages (not including title pages and references). You should discuss key issues of the case study from your perceptions and supported opinions. You should examine alternatives, choose the most viable solution, and provide rationales for your views. And solve the case answering the following questions. 

For both the DIA and Taurus cases, what issues had to be dealt with, and how was that done.

In both cases, what should have been baked into the processes early on to prevent damage control later on?

  1. What Lessons Learned will come out of the DIA and Taurus cases? Be specific, and provide a rationale for your observations.
  2. Case study link - Cutting our losses: Extricating your organization when a big project goes awry

Explanation & Answer:
4 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head: CASE STUDY


Cutting our Losses
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Cutting Our Losses

Nuldén (1996) equates information technology projects with a boring movie; after
viewing it for more than one and a half hours, one still attempts to complete it even though
they know that it is an absolute waste of time. The same situation occurs with information
technology projects. In most cases, the amount of money already used up by the project,
together with other factors, can influence managers and other stakeholders into continuing to
fund a failing project (Nulden, 1996).
Keil et al. (2000) discovered that around thirty percent and forty percent of all
information systems projects show some level of escalation. Escalation is a costly and
prevalent issue among IT projects. No matter what brings about the failure, escalation
behavior undertakes the underlying function of producing other serious decision-scenarios for
the information technology project.
Question One
Issues to be dealt with
1. Project cost overruns
The leading cause of project cost overruns is optimism bias. Optimism bias entails the
problem of estimation bias arising from being excessively optimistic about the prospect of an
information technology project regarding time and cost. In infrastructure project planning, it
implies the tendency to overate the project’s completion time while miscalculating the risks
of the project and project costs. In the case of Denver International Airport, the project was
approximated to cost 17...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.

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