Is the Rookie Ready Case Paper

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Computer Science


Instructions - Analysis paper should be approximately 4-5 pages (not including title pages and references). You should discuss key issues of the case study from your perceptions and supported opinions. You should examine alternatives, choose the most viable solution, and provide rationales for your views. And solve the case by answering the following questions. 

What are the issues at play for Tim's company. Is it fair that Tim has placed Kristen in this type of situation? Should Tim just "bite the bullet" and bring Alessandra back on-board to rescue this project? If so, why?

What Lessons Learned do you think Kristen will walk away with, if she moves forward with taking this project? (Assuming she has a choice). Be specific, and provide a rationale for your observations.

  • Link - Is the rookie ready?

Abstract - A week before Christmas, Tim O'Connell, a manager at Driscoll Software, gets a call from Hybara Casinos. The former client's system has crashed, and the company wants to be rescued by New Year's Day. The project will generate much-needed revenue, but it involves six weeks' worth of work crammed into two -- and over the holidays, no less. Tim's star programmer, Alessandra Sandoval, quit several months earlier, and the rookie Kristen Hammersmith has taken her place. Should Tim contract the project out to Alessandra or trust Kristen to lead the team? He should hire Alessandra immediately, says Michael Schrage, a researcher at Sloan School of Management's Center for Digital Business. Kristen is in over her head. But more important, Tim is a shockingly poor manager. Carol A. Walker, the founder and principal of the consulting firm Prepared to Lead, agrees that Tim isn't doing his job and outlines a scenario whereby he demonstrates his confidence in, and support for, Kristen and prepares her to succeed. Paul Muller, Hewlett-Packard's vice president of strategic marketing for software products, says that in this severely condensed time frame, Driscoll and Hybara need to assess the risks and costs involved in rushing the project. If they decide to go ahead, Tim should empower Kristen to lead. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] 

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Is the Rookie Ready



Is the Rookie Ready
Tim should immediately hire Alessandra since that is the best chance that he has of
regaining the client and correcting all the mistakes he has made while handling this project. A lot
of mishaps can be seen from the way Tim handled the whole issue, something that raises a lot of
questions about his management skills. First off, Tim never consulted anybody while accepting
the job Hybra despite the fact that there were a lot of di9fficulties in completing it due to the
timeframe provided by the company. In addition to that, Tim was not sure about the ability of the
team he is dealing with but still took the job, accepting all the terms of Hybra without
consultation. The fact that Tim had lost the best employee, Alessandra, do not function to help is
situation in any way. There are a lot that should have been done differently if this was a project
that was to be successful. Tim argued out that they needed to regain the trust of the client but the
circumstances that were presented does not ...

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