International Social Survey Program Discussion

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Review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document, which is located in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course. It contains all requirements and detailed instructions for this paper.

2) Reread the Methods section of all three articlesyou used in Milestone One.

3) Begin writing your Milestone Two paper. Contact your instructor with any questions!

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: MILESTONE

Milestone One Paper
Institutional Affiliation

Milestone One Paper
The topic selected is about the motivation of workers in the public and private domains. The
articles describe sources of motivation for both the private and public spheres. The topic
likewise assesses the effectiveness and influence of incentives and rewards in the motivation of
the employees.
The article by Bullock, Stritch, and Rainey (2015) depicts a theoretical evaluation of the
distinguishing elements of public institutions and their professionals. This viewpoint results in
the hypothesis that public institutions deliver unique services and goods that impact the rewards
and motives for their workforce. Whereas institutional philosophers incline to direct little focus
on a difference between private and public institutions, public service scholars have given
numerous hypothetically based empirical evaluations of the difference.
Hypothesis Statement
Firstly, the authors hypothesized that public workers would possess augmented heights of publicservice- orientated drives than their counterparts in the private domain. Also, it was
hypothesized that the employees in the private domain would direct their importance on
increased income for their workplace that those workers in the public domain (Bullock, Stritch &
Rainey, 2015). Finally, the authors hypothesized that public workers would recognize their
profession as possessing a more prosocial effect that their colleagues in the private sector.
Independent and depende...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.

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