San Jose State University Evolution Essay

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San Jose State University


300 essay about evolution 

Despite being well understood and well established by the scientific community, the idea of biological evolution has mixed acceptance among the American public at large. Write a short essay explaining the reasons why evolution is frequently considered controversial or noncontroversial outside of the scientific community, such as in the fields of politics, religion, or other social areas like education.

The goal of the assignment is to address the reasons why there is conflict over evolution within religious, political, or other social systems. The topic is not science vs. politics, orscience vs. religion... Science is just the testing of ideas and doesn’t oppose any of those things.

What are the reasons for support and opposition within the area of politics? Why are some religious groups strongly opposed to evolution, while other religious groups accept it? Why do people in those fields argue strongly for and against evolution, but aren’t troubled by equally understood and established scientific ideas, like the theory of gravity or the formation of rocks?

You don’t need to explain what evolution is. Assume the target reader already knows. You may feel free to discuss your own personal acceptance or non-acceptance of evolution, but this is not required.

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What is Science? A process for determining whether the things we think are true about the world are supported by evidence The testing of ideas A generalized scientific method: 1. Make an observation 2. Develop a hypothesis 3. Collect data 4. Analyze results 5. Do it again… The Scientific Method Hypothesis- An initial prediction of what might explain the observation Must be testable and falsifiable Do an experiment, make measurements, more observations, etc. (Experiments are just one tool in science… Not always needed or possible) The Scientific Method Even if hypothesis is supported, keep testing it Scientists want to falsify hypotheses… especially other scientists’ hypotheses Science done poorly (mistakes, biases, bribery, etc.) will be fixed over time 1 The Scientific Method As a hypothesis continues to be supported, it becomes stronger and is more likely to be correct It eventually becomes accepted as a valid explanation... But new discoveries can always overturn old ideas Scientific Theory Theory is a “well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses” (National Academy of Sciences) Theory is the highest form of certainty in science Can Theory be wrong? Absolutely! When is Theory finally proven? Never… Science doesn’t prove things Science is the testing of ideas A hypothesis is supported or rejected, but is never proven SUPPORT! “PROOF” 2 Three Ways to Make a Rock Igneous Rocks Come from Volcanoes! (ex: basalt) Metamorphic Rocks Transformed from another rock by heat + pressure (ex: gneiss) Sedimentary Rocks Bits of older rocks stuck together (sediment) Basalt Vesicles (Air Pockets) Lava is full of gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc.) (David Monniaux, Wikimedia Commons) Metamorphic Rocks Recrystallized from pre-existing rocks that have experienced heat and pressure (ie: deep underground) Gneiss- A common “banded” rock ( Banded Gneiss (Siim Sepp, Wikimedia Commons) 1 Cementing of Grains Rocks formed from loose sediment (small pieces of pre-existing rocks) Sediment is compacted and cemented Mineralized water fills space between particles Minerals grow and bond particles together (Petsche, 2015) Sedimentary Rocks Rocks Named by Sediment Size Verrrrry small (
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Reasons for Support and Opposition about Evolution
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Reasons for Support and Opposition about Evolution
Evolution became popular during the nineteenth century where the core founder Charles
Darwin received critics from even some of the scientists who had other theories. Eventually,
scientists came into the approval of the evolution theory, but now th...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.

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