CIT 237 Valencia College C++ Short Program on Arrays Worksheet

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CIT 237

Valencia College



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CIT-237 Lab 7.1 Arrays The goal of this lab is to help you get familiar with arrays. Due Date You must demonstrate the solution to this lab exercise to the instructor by Wednesday, February 19, 2020, in order to receive full credit for this work. Lab Setup 1. Create the project using Visual Studio. 2. Download the ZIP file for Lab 7.1 from Moodle. 3. Copy the sample input files, numbers.txt, and fiveNumbers.txt from the ZIP file to the same folder where your source file is located. Programming Exercise This lab exercise involves writing a program with several functions: The “main” function must:  Define an array of 12 integers:    Prompt the user for an input file name. Open this file for input. The file contains integers (one per line). Read the contents of the file into the array. Call four separate functions: getLowest, getHighest, getSum, and getAverage, and display the value returned by each function. const int ARRAY_SIZE = 12; int numbers[ARRAY_SIZE]; Each of the other functions must contain a loop that scans the data in the array and returns the appropriate result: The getLowest function returns the lowest number in the array. The getHighest function returns the highest number in the array. The getSum function returns the total of the numbers in the array. The getAverage function returns the average of the numbers in the array. Design Restriction For this lab exercise use an array of integers, not a vector of integers. We will use vectors later in the course, but for now we need to use only arrays. Sample Data Files and Sample Program Output The ZIP file, which can be downloaded from Moodle, contains two text files. These should be used to test your program. (They are also shown on the next page.) CIT237_Lab07.1_Arrays_20200210.docx 2/7/2020 11:43 PM page 1 of 2 CIT-237 Lab 7.1 Arrays The sample data and sample program output are provided below. (In the sample program output shown in this document, text typed by the user is shown in BOLD font. In actuality, all text will be displayed in the same font) Input file: numbers.txt 53 22 87 103 -3 75 220 1 64 543 98 44 Output from processing the numbers.txt file Enter name of input file: numbers.txt 12 numbers read from input file. The highest value is 543 The lowest value is -3 The sum of the numbers is 1307 The average of the numbers is 108.917 Press any key to continue . . . Input file: fiveNumbers.txt -53 -22 -87 -103 -3 Output from processing the fiveNumbers.txt file Enter name of input file: fiveNumbers.txt 5 numbers read from input file. The highest value is -3 The lowest value is -103 The sum of the numbers is -268 The average of the numbers is -53.6 Press any key to continue . . . CIT237_Lab07.1_Arrays_20200210.docx 2/7/2020 11:43 PM page 2 of 2 Numbers.txt 53 22 87 103 -3 75 220 1 64 543 98 44 fiveNumbers.txt -53 -22 -87 -103 -3 otherFile.txt 953 322 6687 9103 -67563 5475 6220 551 6664 253
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